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Mobile App

Empowering local, regional, and national terrorism prevention practitioners, relevant frontline responders, and individual Americans seeking support by providing access to a holistic, one-stop-shop platform. 

Here's a glimpse of ResilienceNet!

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What is the Resilience Network?

A holistic, one-stop shop app that connects individuals, survivors, first responders, refugees, veterans, and victims to relevant practitioners, services, and resources regardless of geographic location.




What Services Does it Offer?

  • Terrorism prevention resources

  • Contact information for relevant mental health services

  • Secure chat function to engage in real-time with a trained mental health professional 

  • Original content featuring survivors of terror and former extremists

  • Access to the McCain Institute’s Prevention Practitioner Network

  • Library of resources for individuals, educators, and families

  • Peer-to-peer support

Building Resilience

One World Strong is an organization that offers mental health support to anyone who may be at risk. ResilienceNet, a part of One World Strong, provides a comprehensive guide to various therapy methods and also offers resource guides for dealing with hate, trauma, emotional wellness, and loss.

Peer Connections

It's important to connect with individuals who have gone through similar experiences to overcome trauma. ResilienceNet offers two ways to connect with peers: the One World Strong Network (OWSN) and Lived Experiences. These features help people affected by acts of terrorism, extremism, and mass casualty events connect and view videos of personal recovery stories. The platform also has videos of former extremists who share their life stories and how they are recovering from the hatred they once felt. 


ResilienceNet is a platform that provides a complete listing of organizations operating throughout the United States. These organizations offer school and workplace programs to promote stronger and safer communities. The ResilienceNet app enables users to easily access free resources provided by these organizations, which can help to foster resilience.

Targeted Violence Prevention

ResilienceNet is a platform designed for professionals and organizations across various disciplines to address hate-based violence and prevent targeted violence and terrorism. The primary objective of the platform is to enhance capacity in this field, incorporating outreach in the mental and behavioral health sectors.

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